Package de.svws_nrw.transpiler
package de.svws_nrw.transpiler
KlasseBeschreibungEine Klasse mit statischen Hilfsmethoden für den Zugriff aus Element-Objekte.The specialized
if the type is an array type.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a class type.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a package type.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a primitive type.The base class for all types of expressions that were evaluated by the transpiler.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a class type.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a no type.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a no type.The specializedExpressionType
if the type is a type variable, e.g. the type variable "T" used in the type "Comparable T".A class to access java resources and to store their content in TranspilerResource objects.This class provides a transpiler for transpiling java source code into another programming language that is supported by implementing theTranspilerLanguagePlugin
class.This annotation is used to annotate data transfer object classes that will be transpiled (see the SVWS-Transpiler project).The exception class used by the transpiler for all errors resulting in an unsuccessful transpiler run.This class implements the classTreePathScanner
for scanning the java compilers abstract syntax tree and gather some information to be used in the transpiling process.The abstract super class of language plugins for theTranspiler
.This class represents the content of a resource file that is associated with a java class and that is used by a language plugin.This class represents information gathered from a compilation unit of the java compiler.